Actofit Workout Tracker turns your Smart watch into your workout companion. Using Actofits revolutionary motion tracking platform, the magic of the exercise recognition and workout tracking algorithms are now compatible with your Android Wristwatch or even directly over your phone if you use an arm/wrist strap.
* Real Time Exercise Detection
* Rep Counts during workout
* Freestyle workout mode
* Guided workout mode
* Customized workouts
* AI Powered Health Coach
* Advanced Statistics
* Velocity based training
* Web Platform Integration
* Detailed Progression
Exercise Detection during workout
Exercise identification - Our algorithmic platform identifies each unique pattern created by different motions as a specific exercise.
Freestyle mode
In this mode the Actofit engine app will track your exercises, reps, heart rate, form, calories burned and more on the fly.
Guided Workout mode
The Guided workout mode brings to you the best personalized workout training experience out there. Turn your Android-Wear into a pro trainer and coach. Its like a recipe made just for you with all your favorite ingredients.
Customized workouts
Rather than a one-workout- fits-all approach, We help you to get the best workout for YOU. Create your own workout according to your goals, the equipment you have available and the amount of time you have available.
Granular metrics
Track force, power, velocity, explosive strength, work output and tonnage of every rep of every set with top notch precision. Some of the metrics tracked -
1) Repetition counting – Actofits platform counts your reps while you work-out and logs them
down for you to be on top of your game always.
2) Heart rate integration – The heart rate monitor helps you track your heart rate at all times to assist you to stay in the right intensity zone.
3) 1 rep max – Actofit engine app also calculates the maximum amount of load that you can lift in one rep during a particular exercise.
4) Volume - Volume quite simply is that overall amount of weight you lifted throughout your session by calculating weight x reps.
AI Powered Health Coach
Get Personalized Feedback and tips on things you can improve to reach our goals. Ask any health related question to get an instant answer to help you on your fitness journey.
Velocity Based Training
Velocity based training also known as VBT allows for the ability to track your workout zones against the desired results. Using time per rep, time under tension you can enhance your performance for a specific goal, or focus on making your muscles lean.
Web Portal Integration
The web-dashboard is the nucleus around which our ecosystem of smart products revolve. It integrates all your activities to create a timeline of your fitness journey.